When we see someone in misery, this is what we think or say “ I wish I could help these people .” We all want to help those who are in need but most of us are not sure of how one can go about it. Though our intentions are noble, we console ourselves into believing that “ We don’t have the time ” or “ It’s not our job .” Also, most of us feel that charities are the domain of Film Stars, Cricketers, Politicians, Leading Companies and the crème de ie’s crème of the society.

Let’s face it : Whether we accept it or not we all have some Individual Social Responsibility (ISR). We must stand up and contribute selflessely for ameliorating the condition of the disadvantaged. We all can contribute a little time, money and energy to bridge the gap between the privileged and the have nots of the society.We strongly believe that there are many small changes we can make in the world around us which can lead to the happiness of the miserable. Our one small effort to fill colors in the lives of some people definitelyhelp others but also brings joy and satisfaction to us.

Everyone breathes but only a few live. We must do something which gives relief to the heart beats of others. Listen to the wispers of your soul. Lend your support – all for a good cause. Remember Goodness Pays !

World without Polio.
Help Eradicate Polio by immunizing every child under 5 with the Oral Poilo Vaccine(OPV).

Impossible to cure, but easy to prevent.
Prevention of AIDS is our joint responsibility. Education and awareness is the only weapon in our hand.

Disaster comes without notice.
Contribute towards relief and reconstructionwork during emergencies.
A fundamental right of a child.
Contribute and assist us educate poor children.
Give Orphans hope and future.
Help children whose parents are not there for them.
Raise the Possibilities.
Help a poor widow lady achieve economic independence and stability through our special aid
Rquire selfless love.
Help make them self –reliant and independent.
Fulfilling their needs.
Care for elders who have no one to look after them. tHey only need our gratitude and love.

A curse on the society
We are responsible for this. They also deserve a normal childhood.